Friday, February 1, 2008

A Little Bit About Becca

Individualism is rather like innocence,
there must be something unconscious
about it
-Louis Kronenberger
I'm excited about this because everyone in the group has a different style, different passion, different love. I love that each person is unique and has fresh ideas to bring to the table. I hope we can all be open to share with each other the things that make us tick and inspire us.

I am trying to be all about simplifying my life and reducing waste this year. I want to reflect that in my art. I love the outdoors. I like old stuff. I like natural and warm colors. I am a total hoarder of things. I love to find a bargain. I love my new pace of life. Slow, more thoughtful, everything I do is more purposeful and planned- not rushed at all. That is me. So through out this month I am going to share with you the things that inspire me. I am hoping that this will give you time to think about what inspires you.

I am also trying to be more organized! Becca and Organization is an oxymoron, but if you see what I've done you guys would be impressed. Or more likely, you guys will want to slap me, or puke all over me- it sorta disgusted me- all the organizing. I think it sickened me in the past because I was just jealous. But you need 3 things to be organized: set up a system, lots of time, and discipline. Oh that's a whole other subject for another time. I guess that guy I married is rubbing off on me! Ok, I'm babbling as usual, so I should stop- ah I digress! See- disorganization in writing- add it to the list. So as I do all this inspirational posting I plan on trying to organize it well. Although my biggest organization pitfall is when it comes to my ideas and art. Ok- if you still happen to be reading this- I thank you for your patience!

So I hope you're starting to get an idea of the theme and why I chose it. I am going to start posting about my lifestyle first before I post about inspiration. This may not seem as fun a topic as inspiration- but i'll start with that because it's the habits we get into and the choices we make with our life that helps or hinders us to be inspired. So I'll start out with sharing the things I've learned from my nomadic living and hermit lifestyle. I hope there are some good things here!

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