Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Jess' Journal

Alrighty, I suppose that in the name of our crafting sisterhood, I can reveal a peek into my ultra-confidential top-secret journal! Just kidding of course. I started this journal in a cheap-ola composition book a little over a year ago. One experience that really motivated me to begin was a lecture on the therapeutic value of journaling in my holistic nursing class senior year. Even if you don't have a terminal illness, you can still find stress relief, meaning, and purpose by jotting down your stream of thoughts. Even though I've been less than faithful to this book throughout the year, I have managed to open it up at least monthly. It's astounding to see how prayers are answered and how quickly yesterday's worries have become today's blessings!

Although I am less than a shining example of successful journaling, I do have a few tips that helped me get started...Hopefully worth sharing!
  • Beautiful, expensive, handcrafted journals can be intimidating. Try starting with a plain jane notebook. As I mentioned, my latest journal is nothing but a cheap composition book (apx. $2 at Target). Slap a few snazzy stickers on the front and you're in business.
  • Try journaling in a book without lines. That way you can get fonty, do a few little doodles, or (gasp!) write as fast and sloppy as possible, focusing more on your thoughts than your perfectly dotted is and crossed ts.
  • Unlike blogging, no one else gets to read it--that is, not without your discretion of course. So get over yourself! Don't even think or worry about grammar, spelling, etc.
  • Try setting a timer for 10 quiet minutes during your day and just write, write, write!

C'mon girls, they say that if you repeat something 8 times, it can become a habit. That's 8 days of journaling. Are you in?

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