Thursday, February 28, 2008
Another Journal...and my assignment
Assignment: Do!
Matthew 19:26
Since we only get one day off a week we really value it. We plan it out so it isn't wasted. Why not really add value to your time off and plan ahead. Jot down ideas of restaurants you've always wanted to go to, a store to look at, a city to explore, the next time you have free time, do it. Don't sit around at home, just go and do. I want you all to be really passionate about what you do. What are your wildest dreams? Why not start a piggy bank for a specific thing to buy. Share your dreams with other people. At first, Sam and i were a little hesitant telling people the crazy things we wanted to do. We wrote them down. When we first wrote down our crazy dreams I didn't think any of them would actually happen. (Ok, I wanted them to, but they were crazy!) We prayed about them, we didn't count 100% on them all happening, but so far it is going good. We took big risks, sometimes it was hard. As all of you know, from time to time I've called all of you and complained about something (ok several things) There is always a trade off. While some things look glamorous (backpacking Europe) the work that we had to do (28 days straight of 12-15 hour days of physical labor) and the way we traveled wasn't at all glamorous.
The bathrooms we used, and the beds we slept in were so gross, but we did it.
Or sleeping on a heap of dirty sheets and trash because there were no seats left on the train, but we begged the conductor to let us on anyway.
Your assignment: Name 3 crazy dreams, what actions are you going to take to make them happen? Let's encourage each other and not make any excuses or buts. They don't have to be anything major, they can be little things, but don't be afraid to list a major dream. Please share, if you've always had a secret dream to be a circus clown I want to know about it!
And you can laugh, but to me (and Amy, I'm pretty sure you'll agree) quotes are inspirational. So I'm going to share some motivating quotes with you. Who knows, maybe you can incorporate one of them into your page?
Sometimes you just have to take the leap, and build your wings on the way down.
-Kobi Yamada
Getting a good idea should be like sitting on a pin; it should make you jump up and do something.
-E.L. Simpson
Our fears must never hold us back from pursuing our hopes.
-John F. Kennedy
I have always wanted an adventurous life. It took a long time to realize that I was the only one who could make an adventurous life happen to me.
-Richard Bach
If someone believes in you, and you believe in your dreams, it can happen.
-Tiffany Loren Rowe
If you follow your bliss, doors will open for you that wouldn't have opened for anyone else.
-Joseph Campbell
Give your dreams all you've got and you'll be amazed at the energy that comes out of you.
-William James
If you can imagine it
You can achieve it
If you can dream it
You can become it
-William Arthur Ward
Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll land among the stars.
Oh I could go on and on all day. But I will stop now.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
travel journal
Jess' Journal
Although I am less than a shining example of successful journaling, I do have a few tips that helped me get started...Hopefully worth sharing!
- Beautiful, expensive, handcrafted journals can be intimidating. Try starting with a plain jane notebook. As I mentioned, my latest journal is nothing but a cheap composition book (apx. $2 at Target). Slap a few snazzy stickers on the front and you're in business.
- Try journaling in a book without lines. That way you can get fonty, do a few little doodles, or (gasp!) write as fast and sloppy as possible, focusing more on your thoughts than your perfectly dotted is and crossed ts.
- Unlike blogging, no one else gets to read it--that is, not without your discretion of course. So get over yourself! Don't even think or worry about grammar, spelling, etc.
- Try setting a timer for 10 quiet minutes during your day and just write, write, write!
C'mon girls, they say that if you repeat something 8 times, it can become a habit. That's 8 days of journaling. Are you in?
old things new part 2!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Make old things new!
Assignment: Journal
I counted up 30, filled and blank journals that Sam and I have. After I got to 30, and told Sam what I was doing, he opened a desk drawer to reveal 21 more! So 51 total! We love to write and read. Sam definitely has an obsession with moleskin! There is something great about writing on a page, rather than typing. I picked up a cool book on making mini books from the library. And I bought a great papermaking and book binding book from a secondhand book shop. Sam has always been fond of journals. We want to start making our own. He gave me this wonderful one he made when he proposed to me.
And we both fill this little book with love letters to each other, we started that in 2003. My favorite is our little dreams list of dreams we have, we draw a little heart next to each one and fill it in when we accomplished it.
Sam gave me a lovely leather journal as a wedding gift to fill in with our travels to Europe.
I have another journal (given to me by Sam for my birthday) I fill this one with everyday thoughts, and I like to try to make this one a more artsy one. I also keep wish lists in it, and lists of ideas of what to give people as gifts. I have a list of books I want to read, movies I want to watch, restaurants or stores to check out. It's keeping me organized.
I am really into journaling lately. I started a bunch of new ones and I've been writing in them everyday. I love journals with blank pages, without the lines. That way I can draw in it paste something in it, or write as big or small as my heart desires. So my new journals are: an exercise one, a scripture one, a food one, a work one and soon to come a quotes one. I love writing in these because they hold me accountable to getting done the things I want to. Everyday I write an entry in the exercise one, and the scripture one, and if I have to write- didn't exercise, or didn't read Bible at all- I hate doing that, so these journals keep me motivated to do what I want to get done. They help me to start develop the habits I want to create. The food one is supposed to get me organized with what I make for dinner. Each week I write out what I want to make for the week in it. I also keep track of what I eat, writing it down just makes me more aware, and then I think, wow, I should really eat more fruit. And it will maybe help me figure out if their is a food trigger to my migraines. And it's fun because I put in some old time 50's housewife pictures in it. The work one is good for venting! It's good to keep track of improvements we make, struggles we have and how we overcome them, and to keep track of the interesting people we meet. It's great to write these things down, because the next time I need to interview for a job I can easily look it over and find a good problem, and how I overcame it, (those lovely questions we all love to answer)
And then, right after starting all these journals, a package arrrived in the mail from Amy. She gave me this great journal! I don't know what I'm going to put in it yet, but I can't wait to fill it up.
Another nice thing about journaling faithfully is that you can refer back to your journal for your thoughts if you're doing a scrapbook layout. I love to try new art techniques in my journal-use stamps-scraps-paint-decoupage. Start a new journal today, or tell me about one you already have. Borders always has these great big blank ones for sale very cheap. Mine is filled with magazine clippings of house decoration inspiration.
It's so fun to have journals because it's great to look back over what you have written. The hardest part about journaling is starting. I wanted to start my food journal and exercise journal for a long time, it took me about 2 months thinking about it to get it going. It's a little intimidating having a nice blank book in front of you, you don't want to "wreck it" But just start filling it up,just go for it, or alter an old one you have laying around you don't use. Paint over the pages. I just made my first altered book. That was a fun and different experience. On our little vacation to Bayfield last year I brought my little traveling art kit, and one ziplock baggie filled with random patterned paper, etc. I bought a cheap book at a thrift store in bayfield. I made a rule that I could only use the supplies I brought along, and I picked up rocks, twigs, little pieces of nature that caught my eye to put in it. It was a great way to preserve the memory of that vacation because it was nearly done when i got home! I just had to print some pictures and pop them in.
So Sam and I are a little crazy I know. But I love that we don't have a tv, but we always have 5 different random piles of books and journals laying all over the house. That makes me happy. Reading and writing is so good!
So for your assignment please leave a comment or post a pic. of a favorite journal. Tell me if you keep one at all, or if you would like to start one. Amy, maybe you can show pics of the other ones you made, or tell us about that. Or tell me if you're looking at this at all, I'm beginning to wonder if anyone is!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
New Assignment: Window Shop!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
The finished: My Dearest Loira
Thursday, February 14, 2008
My Dearest Loira
you can feel there is understanding
in spite of the distance, or thoughts unexpressed,
that can make this life a garden.
These two were both given to my grandpa (in with his letters) I have Christmas ones also, I love displaying these!
This one said it's from: guess who. Written with pencil on the inside it says, the girl you took to the show. Hmmmm, I wonder who that was. I don't think it was Loira! (Although that one is from early on, when they first started dating, right after he left, there was quite a love triangle going on!
As you all know, I think. Sam and I are typing up 5 years worth of love letters that my grandpa wrote to my grandma during WWII before they were married. We are having so much fun doing it, and we hope to get it published. So here is one of these romantic letters: {Note: This letter was written shortly after he got a break, and was able to visit her in the US, then he had to return to Italy, and they number their letters to each other, because they receive them out of order.}
March 11, 1945
My dearest Loira:
Here it is Sunday darling so thought I had better get to writing to you. I had numbers three letter from you and number one today now you see how the mail comes ma. I'll always number mine too so you'll know how you get them.
How are you today sweetheart? I am pretty well myself.
I just finished playing a couple games of horseshoe with the boys and then the mail came in so I thought I'd better get to writing to you.
Oh yes darling I couldn't hear you very well when I called that night either. I don't know what the trouble is with those lines, some of the boys said they could hear real well.
Say ma let the neighbors think what they want to. I don't know why everybody is so concerned about us getting married. I hear the same thing over here darling. I guess we are just slipping, don't you think ma. Well next time we'll make it for sure so everybody will be at ease. Don't let them get you to believing that I have a girl over here ma. You know better than. I never would want anybody else. I got the best girl in the world so why should I want to change my mind. I just love you so much darling.
Carroll didn't get married either but it looks like he'll stay true to her. I hope it is the same with her. I know Carl will feel quite bad otherwise. He won't have to hold me down from going out with all those "pretty girls" as you say. I've got my first to see over here yet that could come close to you and I'm not just talking either. Oh by the way we have a couple more fellows getting married over here again. I don't know what the trouble is with all the boys if they could only get back to the states once they would change their minds. That seems to be most of the trouble though they figure they are stuck here for the rest of their lives anyways so they might as well get married and enjoy a little of it.
I saw that movie, "Till We Meet Again" I could have told you what it was like honey I know you didn't like it. I saw it just before I came home. [The movie] Up in Mabel's Room I saw too. I really got a kick out of that. You know I was pretty sure of coming back over again even though the people all thought different, you have to be almost dead before they'll have you there. Oh well honey, we just happen to be among the unfortunate for this generation. I hope we are more fortunate in the next one though.
I don't know whether we'll get hooked for the army of occupation or not so I can't tell you anything about it. I believe though that we may get back to the states for a while and then go to the Pacific from as much as I gather now.
Did I tell you ma that I collected my bet when I got back here. The fellows paid me without me even asking any questions. I sure could use it too. I was broke by the time I got here, besides Carroll and I borrowed ten dollars from his sister in Newport News.
I didn't find my pipe anyplace. The fellow that was to look after my package went home so nobody seems to know what happened to the things. Oh well I quit smoking anyway ma. I haven't smoked at all since we've come back.
Oh say darling you won't have to send those booklets from the church anymore. The Lutheran service center in Milwaukee sends them to me. I have two of them here now. You know Mrs. Wadzienoki sent my name and address to them. I had about six letters from them when I got here and also got one from them today.
Say ma don't you get any ideas that you don't have to write as much. I'm expecting just as many letters as before. You're all I got darling and thats all I have to be with you is your letters. I know how it is with us but I'm still counting on those letters. If you don't write as much now I'm going to have to take you across my knees. Better still I'll tell your mother, I guess she'll take care of you ha! ha!
Say ma maybe Edgar wants you instead of Virginia only hes going around about way to get you. Now if he could have you for a housekeeper why everything would be in the bag ha! ha!
I dream't about you last night darling, only I wish it was true instead of only a dream. I miss you getting me up mornings now ma. That was what they call "the life of Riley" I had there. Oh well one of these days maybe they will come true, what do you think darling? You know how we feel about each other so it won't be any different.
I'm going to say goodbye for now and try and get some of my other letters answered. Here's your kiss for this time. Say hello to the folks for me. Be sure you don't forget about your writing me.
Lots of love,
As ever,
Your sweetheart,
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
So it ended up being a late night last night ladies, but I completed challenge #1. After 30 minutes of trying to post the thing I gave up. So I'll giver another try!
I ended up doing a 8X8 page because I wanted to do a smaller book of my niece with just the most precious pictures. Its all there I swear all the bits and pieces you sent me Bek...there on the page. Here are a few up close shots.
The tag painted and covered with pink paper. The felt heart the final touch!
Monday, February 11, 2008
left my heart




Tag: You're It
Sing a song of Birthdays
Full of fun and cheer
And may you keep on having them
For many a happy year. - Anonymous
I got the idea of saving tags from the gift I got from Heidi. It had the best tag attached to it. I'm going to use it as a bookmark! So please, when you rip off that tag don't toss it in the trash, make it into something cool.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Assignment #4: Handmade is the way to go!
-John Ruskin
Please, I hope everyone will take the handmade pledge. I can't word it better myself, so I'm going to let Rebecca Sower say it,
"I have taken the 'handmade pledge'. This means I am stopping to think about items I purchase; if they are available in a handmade format, that's where I will buy. As of today, over 12,000 people have taken this pledge. If this number keeps growing, we could actually get our message across...we're tired of mass-produced cheesy product!"
I want to start my own Etsy shop. You guys all can start a shop. I know that we already value handmade stuff, but let's try to get more people thinking this way. Please spread the word about etsy. And let's not be ashamed of our talents and use them more for gifts. Before you buy anything, think, can i somehow use what i already have, could i make it, could i buy it from etsy, could I get a gifted friend or family member to use their gifts?
Now I can't help but talk about my dear grandma Martha here. She is the real Martha Stewart (as my mom likes to say) She has made suits, made "softies" (as they like to call them now) aka stuffed animals. She has made hundreds of quilts, crocheted many a baby blankets, or snowflake ornaments, she bakes like crazy, you name it- if it's anything crafty I'm sure Martha has done it! And best of all, she is so selfless and humble about it. She doesn't think twice, it's just natural for her to make all of these things and give them away! I can only hope to be half as crafty as she is!